Friday 30 January 2015

Pictures I Took For My Digipack and Poster

To get the photos for my poster and digipack I needed to take lots of different photos. I didn't have very much time to take photos with my artist (one day) so I had to make the most of my time. Shown bellow are the images that were taken, many of which won't be used in my final product. I had to go filter the shots and decide what images I felt were best for my products.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Poster Research- Ellie Goulding

Ellie Goulding- 'Lights' Poster

As Ellie Goulding is my chosen artist, I felt like I should look at her promotional posters to maybe gain some inspiration from them and use them on my poster. I really like the picture of the artist here and the way her eyes are closed and her hair looks. I think the neon font both makes the artist name and album name stand out and also reflects the title of the album. The release date of the album isn't on this poster, and I feel that it should be because then people know when they can buy it but I think the information at the bottom such as the record label and website of the artist is necessary so the audience can buy the album from the website. Simple colours are used in this poster which makes the album name and artist name stand out further.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Poster Research- P!nk

P!nk- 'Funhouse' Poster

To me, what really stands out in this poster is the name of the artist and the name of the album. This is because the red is eye-catching and you can see it from a distance. The album release date sort of blends into the background because the background colour is light beige and the release date is in white. This is because it is more important for the audience to remember the artist name and album name than it is to remember the release date. The picture of the artist gives emphasis to the name of the album because her facial expression and the picture makes her seem like she is having fun. It does also perceive her in a bit of a sexual way because she has a very short top on that shows lots of skin.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Poster Research- Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran- '+' Poster

This poster shows a close-up of the face of the artist. His face blends into the background, creating mystery. The name of the artist and the album name are the things that stand out the most on this poster. I think this is the best idea for a poster because it stands out as they are in a different colour and so you are more likely to remember those two details. This means it is useful for promotion and marketing. The website is very small in the corner of the poster and you can hardly see it. I feel like the website needs to be more distinctive because this is where fans can buy the album and other merchandise. 

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Poster Research- The Script

The Script- '#3' Poster

This poster is fairly simple and there isn't much advertising used. The main focus is on the picture and the album name, showing this is an important feature to this promotional poster. The poster has a sepia colour theme to it which doesn't over complicate the poster, keeping the focus on the artist and therefore making the poster more effective. The album release date is clearly stated, as well as the fact that it is a new album. This is because it puts emphasis on the idea that people need to buy this new album because it has just come out. The poster also contains the bands website which I think would be useful for me to put on my poster as people can visit the website for merchandise or concert ticket and to buy the album.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Photo Schedule- Poster and Digipack

I will need to take lots of different pictures of my artist in lots of different settings for my poster and digipack to be effective. This is so I am able to choose the best pictures that l feel do my products justice. As my artist is at boarding school most of the time, I have one chance to get the photos I need so I don't think a change of outfit is as important as actually getting good quality shots.

My photos will be taken on the 25th January 2015. I will look at the photos taken and use photoshop to edit them if I need to. I will then decide which work and which don't. If I need more photos to improve my work I will take them when she is next home from school 


Monday 5 January 2015

The Green Screen Problem

Originally, I had my heart set on using a green screen for most of my video because I thought that it would look very effective as I could have put different lights behind my artist. My inspiration was from the original music video as I really liked the way that it had been done and the way she stood out because of the light surrounding her, highlighting her features.

 I had a briefing from my media teacher so I knew exactly what to do and how you set up the lights and the green screen.  However, I wasn't very pleased with some of the end result and didn't feel that the quality was good enough.

This is a screenshot of one of the frames from my music video. If you look carefully to the right you can see that there is some curtain on show which I feel is a problem because it makes the music video seem unprofessional. Therefore I am going to use lots of different shots of lights so I don't have to use this bit of film.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is video editing software developed by Apple Inc. Films such as The Simpsons Movie were edited using this software. It is a new way to edit clips and allows you to make whatever film or video you want. I used Final Cut Pro during my AS Media coursework and found it a very useful software and helped me to edit my clips that I had filmed efficiently and easily so that they looked professional.

We were given a training day, during which we were taught how to use this software. I feel this software will allow me to create my music video to the best of my ability.

Friday 2 January 2015

Consent: Filming and Locations

I put a lot of thought into where and what shots I wanted filmed and what the focus was to be on. I decided that I needed to make sure that the backgrounds I used (especially for the green screen) were simple enough so the focus was not being taken away from my artist. This is because she is the person being promoted and also, this is typical of most music videos.

Because of this, I didn't have to go to specific places with my artist because I wanted to get some shots there. However, if I was somewhere and I saw a light I liked, I would film it. Because these were all public places I didn't have to ask permission as it was full of tourists and members of the public who were all taking photos. The main location was at my house.

However, I needed to ask India's permission to make sure that she was happy for me to involve her in my video. The consent form signed by India states:

 'I hereby consent to act in Amber Chadwick’s A2 music video. She has my permission to use any of the footage involving any images of me in any way she needs to in terms of her A2 project.'