Monday 5 January 2015

The Green Screen Problem

Originally, I had my heart set on using a green screen for most of my video because I thought that it would look very effective as I could have put different lights behind my artist. My inspiration was from the original music video as I really liked the way that it had been done and the way she stood out because of the light surrounding her, highlighting her features.

 I had a briefing from my media teacher so I knew exactly what to do and how you set up the lights and the green screen.  However, I wasn't very pleased with some of the end result and didn't feel that the quality was good enough.

This is a screenshot of one of the frames from my music video. If you look carefully to the right you can see that there is some curtain on show which I feel is a problem because it makes the music video seem unprofessional. Therefore I am going to use lots of different shots of lights so I don't have to use this bit of film.

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