Monday 13 October 2014

Music Videos That Have Inspired Me- XO by Beyoncé

In this music video, there are a few shots/ clips that I thought were very effective and I would like to attempt to include these ideas in my video. This video, according to Beyoncé captured "raw, fun and being in the moment" and I feel that this comes across very strongly in this video. I also found out that this video was not planned and the director just went with his instinct. In this case this was very clever as it was a risk that payed off.

In this shot, I really liked the way that they showed an aerial shot of where the music video is set so you can understand a little bit more about it and its background. You now know that it is set in a theme park in America because of the roller coasters and the American flag. I will try to incorporate this into my music video as I believe that it gives the audience more of an idea about what the music video is about. 

I liked the idea of doing a point of view shot in the music video as it allows the audience to imagine that they are really on that roller coaster. It is also typically the point where the adrenaline builds up the most, as you get the thrill as soon as you reach the top and you go down. Therefore I am going to incorporate this into my music video if I can so that the audience can see the world through the artist or actor's eyes. In this case it is like we are looking through Beyoncé's eyes.

In this shot, I really like the idea that Beyoncé is being filmed while she is riding the roller coaster so that all her facial expressions and body language are genuine and in the moment. It is hard to put on a facade when you are faced with a situation such as riding a roller coaster. Therefore, in my music video I would like to capture a genuine reaction to something at some point in my music video.

In this shot, I really like the way that the camera films the ticket booth. It is a mixture of panning and tilting and the camera goes from horizontal to vertical.

In this shot, I love the different coloured lighting and I would like to use lots of different lights in my music video including reds, blues and yellows. I think that this will make my music video more effective because it captivates the audience and intrigues them.

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