Monday 15 December 2014

Evaluation Of Target Audience Research Questionnaire

 I have managed to gain a good idea of what my target audience like to see in music videos by getting them to fill in my questionnaire. I asked 15 teenage girls a range of questions to do with their taste in music and what they like to see in music videos, which would help me when coming up with ideas for my own music video because it meant I could use it to create a video that my target audience will enjoy. 

For question one, the majority of people listed pop music videos as the music videos they most like to watch. I was surprised that every category I listed gained at least one vote because I didn't think my target audience would enjoy genres such as country. 

In question two, the majority of people preferred to listen to song lyrics that contain a meaning, in other words they have a message. This didn't surprise me because it is easier to connect to the artist and understand why they wrote the song if the lyrics have a meaning to them and you lean something from them.

Again, in question three, people preferred to see music videos that reflect the lyrics of the song.
For question four, the majority chose happy songs which fits in well with my song choice 

In question five, my target audience said they enjoy seeing special effects which also fits with some of my ideas of using special effects such as a green screen. 

For question six, a big proportion of people said they prefer slow paced shots which surprised me because I thought that they would have said fast. However, I am going to do fast paced shots but just not as fast as they could be. I know that my target audience were thinking of shots that are 1-2 seconds but I am thinking 3-4.

In question seven, the majority of people said they prefer songs with a storyline however with some of the ideas that I have come up with my video will not be following a storyline but will be very closely related to the lyrics of the song. 

Finally question eight showed that people don't mind what type of music video it is however most people voted for intertextual or a narrative, and both of these fit in well with my ideas.

This research has helped me finalise some important decisions I have to make and has influenced some of my ideas. 

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