Sunday 21 December 2014

Digipack Research- Nivana

Nivana- 'Nevermind' Album Booklet

Nivana's album booklet is something I haven't come across previously in my research. I wanted to have a chance to see what other genres of music do in their booklets and to see how it is different to pop. Therefore I have to option to gain ideas from this booklet and add some flavour to my digipack. Nivana is a rock band so it is no surprise that their booklet is different to some of the pop artist I have been looking at. Lots of bright colour is used in the booklet apart from the black and white page, but the font on this one is interesting because it looks like the words are waves in water, which links to the photo on the front cover. Each member of the band is in the three photos, which is unusual because usually you have a photo of each individual band member. This booklet is not what I want to replicate because I feel the font is too distracting on the black and white pages and it is too chaotic and colourful. I would like mine to be more simple than this.

Nivan's website:

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